

Ken Jefferson Memorial Farringdon Cross Country And Cross Country Relays 2023

Date - Sat, Sep 2nd 2023.

45 Results

 Drew 26th 5 mins 18 secs  
 Isaac 27th 5 mins 20 secs  
 Johnny 29th 5 mins 26 secs  
 Joe 5th 9 mins 47 secs Joe ran as an U17 
 Ed 6th 11 mins 24 secs Ed ran as an U13 
 Ben 9th 10 mins 49 secs Ben ran as an U15 
 Lucas Barker14th 12 mins 2 secs  
 Seth 18th 12 mins 21 secs Seth ran as an U13 
 William 19th 11 mins 41 secs William ran as an U15 
 Cleron Rankin21st 13 mins 0 secs Seth ran as an U13 
 Joshua 22nd 12 mins 3 secs Josh ran as an U15 
 Oliver 23rd 13 mins 7 secs Oliver ran as an U13 
 Kieran 24th 13 mins 12 secs Kieran ran as an U13 
 Jude 24th 12 mins 10 secs Jude ran as an U15 
 Lexie 5th 12 mins 15 secs Lexie ran as an U13 
 Hannah 9th 17 mins 0 secs Hannah ran as an U17 
 Ruby 13th 13 mins 49 secs Ruby ran as an U13 
 Elizabeth 16th 15 mins 46 secs Elizabeth ran as an U15 
 Mark Head 1st 43 mins 1 secs Mark ran first leg for the Vet Men's A team in a personal time of 10:44 
 Christopher Dwyer 1st 43 mins 1 secs Chris ran second leg for the Vet Men's A team in a personal time of 10:48 
 Chris Jackson 1st 43 mins 1 secs Chris ran third leg for the Vet Men's A team in a personal time of 10:41 
 Darren Stoker 1st 43 mins 1 secs Darren ran anchor leg for the Vet Men's A team in a personal time of 10:48 
 Steve Rankin4th 39 mins 9 secs Steve ran first leg for the Senior Men's team in a personal time of 9:20 
 Nathan Reed4th 39 mins 9 secs Nathan ran anchor leg for the Senior Men's team in a personal time of 10:11  
 Michael Rodenby4th 39 mins 9 secs Michael ran third leg for the Senior Men's team in a personal time of 9:54  
 Paul Merrison7th 49 mins 47 secs Paul ran first leg for the Vet Men's B team in a personal time of 11:07 
 Dale Wilkinson7th 49 mins 47 secs Dale ran second leg for the Vet Men's B team in a personal time of 12:16 
 Kevin Carrahar7th 49 mins 47 secs Kevin ran third leg for the Vet Men's B team in a personal time of 13:06 
 Allan McManus7th 49 mins 47 secs Allan ran anchor leg for the Vet Men's B team in a personal time of 13:18 
 Alexander Seed4th 39 mins 9 secs Alex ran second leg for the Senior Men's team in a personal time of 9:44  
 Ed Sweeney14th 12 mins 15 secs Ed ran in an incomplete team 
 Andrew Hughes16th 10 mins 59 secs Andrew ran in an incomplete team 
 Dean Phillips17th 13 mins 9 secs Dean ran in an incomplete team 
 Linda Hutchinson (nee Mudford)6th 37 mins 16 secs Linda ran first leg for the Senior Women's A team in a personal time of 12:14 
 Natasha Steel6th 37 mins 16 secs Tasha ran second leg for the Senior Women's A team in a personal time of 12:41 
 Jennifer Tomlin6th 37 mins 16 secs Jen ran anchor leg for the Senior Women's A team in a personal time of 12:21 
 Debbie Defty7th 45 mins 26 secs Debbie ran first leg for the Vet Women's A team in a personal time of 14:08 
 Michelle O'Neill7th 45 mins 26 secs Michelle ran second leg for the Vet Women's A team in a personal time of 14:44 
 Sarah Dulai7th 45 mins 26 secs Sarah ran anchor leg for the Vet Women's A team in a personal time of 16:34 
 Doreen Dickinson9th 47 mins 7 secs Doreen ran first leg for the Vet Women's B team in a personal time of 15:24 
 Ann Revell9th 47 mins 7 secs Ann ran second leg for the Vet Women's B team in a personal time of 14:49 
 Vikki McManus9th 47 mins 7 secs Vikki ran anchor leg for the Vet Women's B team in a personal time of 16:54 
 Lauren Flaxen14th 42 mins 23 secs Lauren ran first leg for the Senior Women's B team in a personal time of 13:43 
 Gemma Crawford14th 42 mins 23 secs Gemma ran second leg for the Senior Women's B team in a personal time of 14:22 
 Maria Davis14th 42 mins 23 secs Maria ran anchor leg for the Senior Women's B team in a personal time of 14:18 

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