This year our AGM is scheduled for Monday 3rd April 2023. It is being held at the Lakeside Sports and Social Club, North Moor Lane SR3 3BD and doors will open at 19:00 hours.

All members are welcome as are the parents and guardians accompanying the younger members.

As an envisioned enticement Sunderland Harriers will be providing a cold buffet, delivery promised by captain Nathan Reed, and of course the bar will be open to purchase refreshment.

The Annual General Meeting 2023 .

In addition to Officials' reports of the year's achievements and finances, and electing Members to your Committee, awards will be presented for performances by athletes and volunteers on and off the road, cross country, and track arenas.

Membership renewal becomes due from the AGM, where rates are due to be increased, but can be paid at the present rate before the gavel falls to start the AGM proper. Payment should be by cash (try to have the correct change) or cheque on the night, at other times bank transfer is available. As a clue most members' renewal fees will be £45 or £55 depending on age, but one or two members who recently joined will only need to pay £17 for England Athletics registration fees.

We hope for a large, enthusiastic turn-out so come along, meet friends and colleagues and enjoy the night.